This is a Partial List of Events - Check back for more to be added soon!
Vendors and Information Booths
- Pagan and Thelemic Arts & Crafts
- Infomation about local groups
- Interactive Pagan arts and crafts for kids
Authors Panel
- Featuring Esoteric, Occult, and Science Fiction Authors
- Book signings and readings
- Aleister Crowley's Rite of Mars - presented on stage by SACTO
- Baphomet Mass
- Thelemic Equinox Ritual - presented by Healiopolis
- Thelemic Mass - presented by Healiopolis
Entertainment Live on Stage
- Bellydancing
- Local Pagan bands
- More to come!
Literary Events
- Readings from Daughters of Babalon
- Open Mic Poetry sponsorted by The Liminal Writing Center
- A Special Tribute to "The Bard of Auburn", Clark Ashton Smith
Classes - Lectures - Workshops
- Ritual Writing Workshop
- Sidereal Astrology
- Tarot Poetry Workshop
- The Origins and History of Liber OZ
- Sex Magick
- Planetary Magick
- Santa Muerte
- Queering Thelema
- Soror Meral and the history of Thelema in the Sacramento Valley
- More lectures and workships and classes to come!
Silent Auction and Raffle
- Don't miss out on your chance to win some really cool stuff!